How Moxo helped Centum Academy enhance communication and improve student engagement

The problem
Centum Academy faced significant operational challenges transitioning from brick-and-mortar to digital.

Initially built on a traditional brick-and-mortar model, Centum Academy was unprepared for the sudden shift to digital learning necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Director Tushar Sinha noted, “Typically, in education or in a classroom, in-person teaching is always preferred over a digital mechanism — especially in India.”

The academy’s initial attempt to digitize their educational offerings involved implementing various technologies. However, this approach led to unnecessary complexity and a lack of cohesive oversight. Each tool addressed a specific need but did not integrate well with others, causing confusion and inefficiency in managing the delivery of education.

Additionally, the parents of Centum Academy students were skeptical about the effectiveness of online learning compared to traditional classroom settings. This skepticism added pressure on the academy to ensure their digital platform was not only functional but also capable of delivering a high-quality educational experience.

The solution
Moxo’s collaborative workflow software provided a seamless solution to Centum Academy’s challenges.

By integrating multiple standalone features into a single platform, Moxo streamlined the academy’s operations. “One of the best aspects of Moxo is the combination of multiple standalone features, such as creating groups and centralized interactions… If I have to send a link or a document, everything is all in one place,” said Sinha.

The Moxo platform enabled Centum Academy to create dedicated workspaces for students and teachers. This allowed for efficient communication through secure chat messaging, eliminating the need for scattered emails and individual notes. The platform's ability to facilitate real-time notifications, class scheduling, streamlined student onboarding, and organized assignment itineraries transformed the academy’s workflow.

Moreover, the app supported live virtual sessions and document sharing, breaking down the barriers of traditional classroom education. Students were empowered to engage with their studies dynamically, asking questions on a just-in-time basis for an enhanced learning experience. “In regards to communication, it has become very efficient and seamless,” Sinha remarked.

The result
Implementing Moxo led to a significant transformation in Centum Academy’s operations, enhancing organizational efficiency, improving communication, and delivering a high-quality, secure, and personalized digital learning experience.

The platform’s integration facilitated a more organized and cohesive workflow, making it easier for teachers and students to interact and manage their tasks. “Moxo was like an angel for us — we were desperate to have a platform to ensure that our children were not deprived of teaching. We can't imagine our lives without Moxo right now,” expressed Sinha.

The comprehensive capabilities of the Moxo platform allowed Centum Academy to provide an engaging and personalized education experience accessible via mobile or web. This accessibility ensured that education could extend beyond the confines of the traditional classroom, aligning with the academy’s philosophy of being actively involved in students’ lives. “We believe that education cannot happen only within the confines of the classroom. You have to go out and be a part of your student's life,” Sinha emphasized.

Furthermore, the stringent security requirements and encryption capabilities of the Moxo platform ensured student privacy, reassuring parents about the safety of their children while using the app. The result was a seamless, secure, and effective digital learning environment that met the high standards of Centum Academy. “Moxo has enabled us to be part of our students’ lives, and I’ll definitely be indebted for that,” Sinha concluded.