Intrepid Networks provides support to mission and business critical operations with Moxo

The problem
Intrepid Networks faced a significant challenge: outdated communication methods in mission-critical operations.

Despite technological advancements in consumer communication, "critical members of society were still using antiquated methods," as stated by Bruce Dowlen, Vice President of Marketing at Intrepid Networks.

Emergency responders often relied solely on radio communication, which, while immediate, was fraught with inefficiencies. "The most spoken words on radio are... ‘where are you?’ and ‘what did you say, can you repeat that?’” Dowlen explained. This method led to repetitive questions and potential delays in critical situations.

Furthermore, radio communication introduced lag time when relaying messages through appropriate channels. This delay could result in lost information, which can be detrimental during urgent situations. The need for a more effective communication solution was evident to improve operational efficiency and response times.

The solution
To address these challenges, Intrepid Networks partnered with Moxo to power the Intrepid Response Platform. This resulted in a simple-to-use situational awareness platform for day-to-day and emergency operations.

Intrepid Response integrates all aspects of response deployment into one platform, providing unparalleled situational awareness. Bruce Dowlen emphasized the importance of this integration, stating, "The instant voice transmission provided by radio is not compromised on Intrepid Response. Instead, all aspects of response deployment are combined in one platform."

This platform includes geospatial mapping, secure team communications, emergency notifications, push-to-talk voice, and collaborative workspaces. CEO Britt Kane highlighted the platform's goal, saying, “We’re not trying to eliminate voice, voice is always going to be necessary in our society, we’re just trying to move all that to a single platform on a smartphone.”

The result
The implementation of Moxo yielded significant results. Organizations now manage multiple operations simultaneously, reducing response times and minimizing radio traffic during emergencies.

Bruce Dowlen remarked on the importance of quick access to information, stating, “The first 10 minutes of operation is the most confusing time, and lives can be lost in minutes. Seconds count, so when seconds count, I don’t want the guy saving me fiddling around with his radio. I want him to have the information he needs.”

Moreover, the platform enables organizations to collaborate externally with other teams while keeping internal communications private through tailored permissions and managed information sharing. This interoperability among disparate teams and organizations ensures secure management of operations without confusion.

Overall, Intrepid Networks' partnership with Moxo transformed their communication and operational capabilities, providing a robust solution that enhances efficiency and safety in mission-critical situations.